The house is your largest body. He lives in the sun and falls asleep in the quiet of the night; and it is not without dreams (Khalil Gibran) No place is as beautiful as my house (Noel Langley, The Wizard of Oz) Where you are happy, you are at home (Tibetan proverb) A house, two beings, one soul: here is happiness (Kurdish proverb) A house is not a question of bricks, but of love. Even a basement can be wonderful (Christian Bobin) Home is where the heart is (Pliny the Elder) The house? It is castle and island, tower and cave, miracle and everyday life, order and warmth, and the voice of the things that await us every day on our return (Fabrizio Caramagna) Happiness is not a place to arrive but a home to return to ( Arabic proverb) One day I will open the door and find you behind it. And that moment I will call it "home" (Fabrizio Caramagna) Do you ever leave childhood homes? Never: they always remain within us, even when they no longer exist, even when they are destroyed by bulldozers and bulldozers (Ferzan Ozpetek) It really seemed to me that that house was waiting for us. Because even houses await their tenants, they survive years away from us and then open their arms of doors and shutters to a young couple, to two fools who tremble with happiness (Margaret Mazzantini) Much of the character of every man can be read in his home (John Ruskin) Anyone at some point in life sets up home. The difficult part is building a house of the heart. A place not only for sleeping, but also for dreaming. A place to grow a family with love, a place not to find shelter from the cold but a corner of our own from which to admire the changing seasons; a place not simply where to pass the time, but where to feel joy for the rest of life (Sergio Bambaren) Home is that place that our feet can leave, but not our hearts (Oliver Wendell Holmes) When you cross a corridor in the dark without hurting you. Because you recognize every tile, every smell, every sound. It must be so with a person. Cross it in the dark and feel at home (Fabrizio Caramagna) Houses are made to live in, not to be looked at (Francis Bacon) One hundred men can create an encampment, but a woman is needed to make a house (Chinese proverb) Each house has its own unmistakable smell. Something that excites and scares you. Like when you come home from vacation and stay on the balcony, with the door open and the suitcases on the ground. Undecided whether to desecrate that strange penumbra (Alfredo Accatino) This is the true nature of the home: the place of peace; refuge not only from every wrong, but also from every fear, doubt and discord (John Ruskin) Peace - which is the other name of a house (Kathleen Norris) It takes hands to build a home, but only the heart can build a house (Anonymous) ... (continue)